What I'm Learning
/Knowing and doing are completely different things. Acting on knowledge is the definition of wisdom, while knowing and NOT acting is foolishness, laziness, fear, or apathy. So if I ever hear myself say, “I know!” then I might need to ask myself, “then what is stopping you?”
Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then once you know better, do better.” So why is the transition time between learning and doing so long? It is simply because we don’t care enough about the knowledge or the outcome that applying said knowledge could bring.
If I care enough about something, I will act on it. Inaction is a demonstration that I have other higher priorities. What I am doing with my time, money and energy show what I value. What am I valuing more than the thing “I know I need to be doing?”
Once I can get honest about those details, I can either get the courage and determination to act, or the courage to admit that I really do not care about the thing “I know.”